cities and communes
Schlemmen ausdrücklich erwünscht
Genussmenschen können sich von kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten verzaubern lassen oder sich an regionaler Küche erfreuen. Das gastronomische Angebot in Waldeck-Frankenberg ist vielfältig. Besondere Leckereiern finden echte Feinschmecker z.B. in der Sterneküche des Gourmet-Restaurants "Philipp Soldan" in Frankenberg oder im kleinsten Restaurant Nordhessens "FENSTER FUENF" in Dorfitter. Frischen Fisch mit Seeblick genießt man in der Rehbacher Fischerhütte. Wer lieber selber kochen mag, findet auf den Wochenmärkten und bei Direktvermarktern frische Zutaten und regionale Spezialitäten.
The last primeval forests in Europe
For nature lovers, the Kellerwald-Edersee National Park offers the perfect opportunity to explore protected areas. On 430 hiking tours through the region, you can experience untouched nature up close. The old beech forests are one of the last primeval forests in Europe and have been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2011. In addition to many forest animals, one of Germany's rarest mammal species, the wildcat, also lives here. You can follow its tracks in the depths of the forests. But even if it rarely appears, a visit is worthwhile: In addition to the magical atmosphere, hikers can expect spectacular views.
Breathe deeply & recharge
27km lake panorama. The Twiste , Diemel and Edersee is a wonderful place to relax, enjoy and unwind. Simply head out onto the lake with your board or canoe and find a secluded spot. Of course, you can also find one by bike or on foot - the shore offers plenty of space for sun worshippers. You can also end long summer days comfortably here. Immerse yourself for a few hours and simply let yourself be pampered: Wellness fans will find suitable offers in the Willinger Lagunenbad , in the award-winning wellness area of the Hotel Freund or in the Quellentherme Reinhardshausen .