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Energy solutions

Companies and municipalities have great potential to advance the energy transition. They are thus making a significant contribution to the climate neutrality that the state of Hesse is striving for by 2045. Depending on the industry, size and structure of the actor, different challenges arise in each region.

Together for a climate-friendly future

On behalf of the Hessian state government, LEA Hessen assumes key tasks in the implementation of the energy transition and climate protection.

One focus of the activities is aimed at Hessian municipalities, which can receive a wide range of support for municipal strategies and measures for climate protection, energy efficiency, energy saving and the expansion of renewable energies. The LEA also sees itself as an information platform for citizens as well as for companies and all types of organizations in Hesse.

Die neue Heizungsförderung vom Bund ist jetzt auch für Immobilien von Unternehmen verfügbar
Jetzt können auch Unternehmen, Eigentümerinnen und Eigentümer vermieteter Einfamilienhäuser sowie Wohneigentümergemeinschaften bei Maßnahmen am Sondereigentum die Heizungsförderung bei der KfW beantragen. Beim Einbau einer klimafreundlichen Heizungsanlage oder beim Anschluss an ein Wärme- oder Gebäudenetz sind Investitionszuschüsse von der KfW erhältlich, für Wohn- wie auch Nichtwohngebäude.


Hydrogen as a new energy resource not only in northern Hesse but also nationwide:

The state of Hesse has been supporting and promoting the development and use of hydrogen and fuel cell technology for many years. The H2 Futureboard project has started in northern Hesse.

The State Office for Hydrogen is the central contact point for the state of Hesse on the subject of hydrogen and fuel cells and supports Hessian experts, municipalities, companies and citizens with their questions on the subject. It supports Hessian actors from project initiation to project implementation and is the interface between politics and companies.

The "LAND HAT ZUKUNFT" campaign is committed to

To simplify funding procedures and reduce bureaucracy, to strengthen technical support in procedures and thereby promote sustainability, and to make the instruments for strengthening rural areas even more flexible.

It bundles and coordinates the instruments of the individual departments and strengthens synergies. It also provides an overview of good ideas and concrete examples, events, funding instruments and contact persons.

What is the BEG at BAFA?

The Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings – BEG for short – brings together previous funding programs to promote energy efficiency and renewable energies in the building sector. It supports the use of new heating systems, the optimization of existing heating systems and measures on the building envelope . PVT hybrid collectors for the production of solar power and thermal energy are also funded !

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