Career orientation
Digiscouts 2025 in Waldeck-Frankenberg
Why not use young people's interest in digitalization to make dual training in the company more attractive and at the same time gain benefits for the company? This is the idea behind the project "Trainees as digitalization scouts in companies": As part of a trainee project, at least two trainees find out where there is potential for digitalization in the company.
zynd - and what are you passionate about?
Orient. Reflect. Ignite.
Feels like you have 1000 possibilities and you're still lost? On zynd you can use different playlets to find out what you're passionate about. Career orientation? Sure, it's a challenge, but doable with the right support!
Find out where you are right now, what really interests you, what decisions await you and how to apply.

Simply Future -
vocational training in Germany
The Federal Employment Agency and the SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT network have published the multilingual portal Einfach Zukunft. It contains information on vocational training in Germany and portraits of young refugees in dual training. The portal is aimed at young refugees who would like to start dual vocational training in Germany.
All training exchanges in Waldeck-Frankenberg - My start in training
The portal was introduced in autumn 2008 for secondary school students and offers numerous tips and information on topics relating to training and career choices. In the self-exploration program BERUFE-Universum, students can enter their strengths and interests and find out which careers suit them best. It is a trilingual offering!

IHK Training Atlas
The Kassel-Marburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce's training atlas is a directory of training companies in the chamber's district. It is an important information tool and supports students in their search for a training position. You can search for the company's headquarters as well as for training occupations and training offers in the Chamber of Industry and Commerce apprenticeship exchange.
There is also such an atlas for the state of Hesse.
Youth Career's about YOU!
The youth employment agency offers coordinated support services for the promotion of young people. It helps you to find the right support for you among the many offers.
She will work with you to develop the right path for you. Your wishes, interests and abilities are the main focus!

Make it in Germany -
Find your way in Germany
The dual training offers you very good chances of getting a job and is therefore particularly popular with German schoolchildren: around two thirds of all young people who leave school go on to do an apprenticeship. You can find out here what requirements you have to meet to start an apprenticeship in Germany.
From A to B - Everything about dual training
A dual training program has a lot of advantages. "Dual" means that you learn the theory at vocational school and can then apply it in practice in the company. So you are well prepared! In return, you will receive a training allowance from the first month. The chances of being taken on by your company or quickly finding something new are excellent. After all, skilled workers are in high demand.

KAUSA Parents' Guide: Training in Germany
The brochure provides parents with information about the opportunities and possibilities of dual training in Germany. They learn how they can support their child in choosing a career and where they can find advice and help themselves. Reference brochures in the appropriate language are available for mediation work, e.g. in advice centers.
The brochure is available in 17 languages:
GOVET - German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training
The GOVET YouTube channel is all about vocational training. You will find films in several languages on key topics when it comes to dual vocational training: digitalization, costs and benefits, legal framework and training quality are just a few examples. Presentations are also provided on these topics.

OloV Regional Coordination
Passing of the baton at the regional OloV coordination
In the regional coordination for the implementation of the Hesse-wide OloV strategy, Ms. Lara Kurzrock has handed over the management to the managing director of the economic development agency, Ms. Barbara Eckes, this year and thus says goodbye to all regional actors of the OloV network in the Waldeck-Frankenberg district.
In order to bundle all activities that support young people on their way to training, the state of Hesse has developed a comprehensive concept: the OloV strategy. The aim of the Hessian OloV strategy is to ensure the quality of the processes in the transition from school to work and to avoid parallel structures so that young people can successfully enter their professional future.

For the Waldeck-Frankenberg district, the planning for the OloV strategy has been set for the coming year, so that the economic development agency has a basis for successfully taking over regional coordination. Based on the implementation to date in the region, the next meeting of the steering group will be organized by the OloV regional coordinator of the economic development agency, Mr. Kephas Kühn. "We will continue to pursue the goals we have set and look forward to a good collaboration with the regional players so that we can guarantee the continuation of the OloV strategy next year as well," confirms the managing director, Ms. Barbara Eckes.

Die hessenweite Strategie OloV wird gefördert von der Europäischen Union sowie aus Mitteln des Hessischen Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr, Wohnen und ländlichen Raum und des Hessischen Ministeriums für Kultus, Bildung und Chancen.