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WIBank the Hessen micro liquidity loan is back!

Only one application is possible per applicant, regardless of how many companies you may own. If you have already received a "Hessen-Mikroliquidität" loan, you cannot submit another application, and a subsequent loan increase is also not possible. You can find more information via the link.

Corono November and December aid and Corona bridging aid 3

On December 14, 2020, the Federal Government decided on further Corona aid and measures.

You can find information about whether you are directly, indirectly or indirectly eligible to apply by clicking on the following link.

Restart aid for self-employed individuals

Applications can be submitted once from February 16, 2021 until August 31, 2021 at . The restart aid is usually paid out a few days after the application is submitted. You can find more information in the press release from the Federal Ministry of Economics

Checklist for Entrepreneurs

With the social protection package, the simplified short-time work allowance and many other measures, the federal government is ensuring that Germany gets through the crisis well. This guide provides guidance on the assistance you can claim during the Corona crisis and where you can apply for these benefits.

Corona Bridging Aid 2

Eligible to apply:

small and medium-sized enterprises, non-profit enterprises and organisations and self-employed persons

- with either a drop in sales of at least 50% in two consecutive months in the period April to August 2020 compared to the respective months of the previous year,

- or a drop in sales of at least 30% on average in the months April to August 2020 compared to the same period last year.

Eligible measures:

Operating costs according to positive list

Calculation of the grant amount:

Solo self-employed persons receive an advance payment of €5,000 and companies receive €10,000

90% of fixed costs with more than 70% drop in sales

60% of fixed costs if sales fall between 50% and 70%

40% of fixed costs if sales fall by more than 30%

Eligible costs:

the flat rate for personnel costs is 20% of the eligible costs

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